
Oh, how I need this… Why is vacation so stressful, and NOT relaxing? Ok, don’t get me wrong, I really, truly enjoyed my time in the Blue Mountains (pictures to come!), it was wonderful to get out of the Hills districts and see what Oz has to offer… but still, I came away from break feeling more stressed out & anxious than I did when it began!

I do love being able to travel. I love living out of a suitcase… it took me 3 months to finally unpack my bags here, because I love the feeling of being able to jet off to any part of the world in an instant… I think these past 5 months have been the longest I haven’t traveled via airplane… But once I have settled into a routine, it’s hard to leave it!

Anyways! I feel at home here now… I am surrounded by amazing people, I have the privilege of attending and working at one of the most influential and well-know churches in the world… So, what’s my deal? Why can’t I relax and rest?

Is it because I am still struggling with surrendering my life? I look at it this way:

I’m a puzzle. A big, 1000 piece puzzle that is strewn all over the floor… My Creator is putting me together piece by piece, but I as the puzzle, thinks that I’m able to complete myself without the help of the Puzzlemaker! I’m the little pieces that are hiding under the sofa, and behind the floorlamp, trying to survive all on my own…

Oh, dear... Well, when it comes 'Vila' I am working on that. I'm gonna try to take a breather & enjoy my week.
And trust? That is between God & I... and we are getting there!
Over this past weekend I have been really melancholy, and depressed all because of a stupid thing called:

I am currently living half-way across the world from the security and love that family and friends provide. I am so thankful for this experience, and I know that I am here for a reason, but it is so difficult to give all control over to God, and to trust him with everything… everything!

I know that my being in Oz is the first step of many that God has in store for me - but nevertheless, it is so hard being so vulnerable.

Let me ask you a question:
Why do we think we can manage our lives better that God?

I’m still trying to figure this out… because for SOME reason, I still think I know what I want and what I need more than the Creator of the Universe! Which is bull by the way…

Anyways, my being here in Australia is am amazing opportunity but definitely God’s choice to make sure that I rely on him over anything, or anyone else.

In the car on my way to my performance this morning, I knew that there was something missing. That despair that I was feeling all weekend was not from Christ . So, right then, I was led to this lovely verse:

I want you woven into a tapestry of love,
in touch with everything there is to know of God.
Then you will have minds confident and at rest,
focused on Christ, God’s great mystery.
All the richest treasures of wisdom and knowledge
are embedded in that mystery!
~ Colossians 2:3-5 (The Message)

The entire time that I was worrying about how I was going to make ends meet, or how I was going to get a job etc. God was not a part of it. I was focusing more on me, myself, and I. Pathetic right?

No one who hopes in me ever regrets it.
~ Isaiah 49:23b (The Message)

God is good. God is great. God will never, EVER fail us.

I am still weak, and vulnerable, but I serve an awesome, loving, and capable God who has me in his hands.
“I am God, your very own God,
who stirs up the sea and whips up the waves,
named God-of-the-Angel-Armies.
I teach you how to talk, word by word, a
nd personally watch over you.”
~ Isaiah 51:15-16 (The Message)
I am so sorry that I have been so bad at updating you with pictures and stories... I promise that they will be coming in abundance... But please be patient with me!
Here are a few images of the past month or so... Something to keep you coming back for more!