.... Sweden at this moment.
I realize that I have not updated this little blog for WAAY too long... I'm thinking of changing that...

For those of you who did not know - I had applied for a job in Stockholm that would've started at the end of this month... I'd gone through interviews and references... it was down to me and one other applicant, and they decided to go with the other applicant who lived closer to the family.
The job was a live in nanny position IN Stockholm... only 20 minutes from Hillsong Stockholm, 15 minutes from friends, and 30 minutes from family.
I've been struggling with trying to figure out what God's got planned for this next step of my life... I feel like I'm treading water.
I'm sick and tired of questioning God's will for my life, but I'm also sick and tired of waiting.
Its not like I'm just sitting here waiting for a giant sign from heaven... a dream job to fall into my lap - I'm actively applying for jobs, and pursuing my dreams - but I feel like I'm at a stand still.

What's next God??
I trust and believe that He has my next step in mind and ready for me... but it's hard to wait patiently.

Well, here is a favourite photo to leave you with...
I'll be back someday soon... Hopefully I'll be able to fit a trip in later this year. :o)

- Stina