I debated about whether I should write this blog or not... but, I finally decided to... because it is a huge relief getting this off my chest...

I have been living here in Australia for almost 10 months now... and in the same house, with the same housemates the entire time...
But, even though we've been through so much together, I still feel like the outsider in the house...
I have missed out on some great house bonding times because of my financial situation, and now I feel like after I leave here I won't be missed by those who are staying...
Is it sad when you feel like a stranger in your own house?

I live in a room with two other girls... in a house with 6 girls... but why do I feel so lonely?
Sometimes I feel unappreciated... unwanted... scared of the fact that I feel like (more often than not) I'm completely forgotten...

I know I'm probably just being paranoid... But it is difficult thinking that I am leaving here in less than 2 months - and I'm afraid that its gonna be like I was never here...

If you were here right now you would hear me sighing...
1 Response
  1. If you honestly can't tell who this is, shame on you :P Says:

    First of all, I must say that I obviously cannot speak for your housemates, only myself. Having said that, I surely so hope that you realise Miss Lund that you MOST DEFINITELY WILL BE MISSED! - IN THE MOST PROFUSE WAY POSSIBLE! :O I honestly cannot even see how it could be possible for it to be like you were never here. Frankly, you have changed my life forever, and I KNOW that I'm not the only one.
    Also. You are most definitely NOT unappreciated, unwanted or forgotten. Quite the complete opposite, in fact. I can't even imagine not having you here, it makes me literally want to burst into tears. But I'm not going to think about that. :P

    Finally, it seems - to me, at least - that in the words of my three favourite gentlemen, you might just be paranoid. ;)
