I look up to the mountains; does my help come from the mountains?
No, my strength comes form God,
who made Heaven & Earth & mountains.
He won’t let you stumble,
your guardian God won’t fall asleep.
Not on your life!
Israel’s guardian will never dose or sleep!
God’s your guardian, right at your side to protect you.
Shielding you from sunstroke, sheltering you from moonstroke.
God guards you from every evil, he guards your very life.
He guards you when you leave and when you return, he guards you now.
He guards you always!
Psalm 121

I had the lovely opportunity to travel up into the mountains with two of my friends a couple of weeks ago... It was absolutely wonderful to get out of the Hills District, out into nature, and to be able to see what true Australian beauty really is.
Here is a collection of photographs that I took... these don't even begin to capture the magnificent wonder of God's creation.

1 Response
  1. Anonymous Says:

    Ok. So I totally just read your blog. All of it :P
    Can't believe I didn't find it sooner!
    But oh my goodness Kristina. You amaze me. You really do! You write so beautifully, you take incredible photographs, but most of all you just have an indescribable heart! You have been through so much (and still a good way :P) and you have such a maturity about you because of it. I honestly just love being around you! :D You somehow just make me smile whenever I see you. You pretty much just radiate...something! Haha I don't know what it is, but I am sooooooo thankful to God that He brought you all the way from Minnesota down here to Sydney so that you could be in my life! I just think you're awesome pretty much :P
    And I'm serious about what I said the other: call me, anytime! If you need to talk, laugh, cry, dance, drink coffee (I'll have hot chocolate :D) or anything! Just call me!
    I am seriously so excited about your future! I am totally coming to Sweden and Minnesota one day! Oooh! And I'm going to go on tour with you and your musician husband. I've just decided :P
    Love you so much

    PS: I want to hear your songs!! Please? :D